AMHA issues RFP for Audit and/or Tax Services for Edgewood, Eastland, Wilbeth Arlington, and associated AMHA affiliated entities


Proposals will be received for the following by Jasna Nolze at 100 West Cedar Street, Akron, Ohio 44307 no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 19, 2018:

Audit and/or Tax Services for Edgewood, Eastland, Wilbeth Arlington, and associated AMHA affiliated entities for a period of three years with successive optional one-year renewals.

Those interested in submitting a proposal may obtain the instructions/information package (RFP No. FIN001) by contacting the AMHA Finance Department at (330) 252-9251 or via email at

Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority
Brian M. Gage
Executive Director
