Disgruntled Employees

Disgruntled Employees
OhioMBE – March 15, 2014 

By Vernalee

There is an old saying that “employees can make or break you!”  True to form, that quote is reasonably true.  Be they managerial, supervisory, or staff employees – their attitudes toward clients, co-workers, and the outside buying public alongside their productivity and other measurable traits – are all determinants that factor into their employer’s bottom line.  With unhesitant certainty, small business owners must be cognizant of the fact that their employees are reflections of them and their companies.  The clients’ primary concern is whether their ordered products and services are being timely delivered and / or accurately performed within budget.  With that being the case, as employers what are you doing to foster wholesome workplace environments that lend themselves to efficient operations and quality delivery of services?  Do you ignore employee related problems by hoping that they will eventually dissipate or evaporate into thin air, or do you promptly, investigate and act to provide solutions?  Whatever you as an employer do or don’t do, your actions will invariably make an impact both internally and externally!

For example, if your workforce echoes the below sentiments, you have some major problems:

  • We hate going to work.  Anxiety consumes us at that very thought.
  • We can’t wait for the clock to strike five; its quitting time. We are called – LIFO – Last in, First out!
  • There is no incentive to work hard; bare minimum is the standard.
  • We are only giving them (the employer) what they give us. Nothing extra.
  • We really wanted to give it our best, our all; but we will be critiqued or penalized for perfection.  Why bother?
  • Our boss is a jerk, a bully, along with other generic descriptors that we care not to mention.
  • Our boss looks the other way; nothing is ever addressed.
  • The supervisors conspire to get you!  They talk about you behind your back.  You get called into their office for the dumbest things.
  • Quality Leadership is nonexistent.  Speaking of bona fide leaders; where are they?
  • The office is a dump.
  • The bathrooms stink.
  • Everything and I mean everything is unorganized.
  • You are never praised for anything; sanctions are waiting.
  • Suspensions, disciplinary reprimands and terminations rapidly flow.
  • Did we mention that counseling to correct performance deficiencies is not encouraged?
  • The office is a gossip haven.  Silence, hush up; we need to hear who was caught kissing in the supply room!
  • Lunch breaks: You better eat on the run.
  • Please, do not get caught talking in the hallways. Laughter is not encouraged.
  • Complaints / issues are ignored and never addressed.  Why make them?  Nothing ever changes.
  • Many staffers are inconsiderate and rude; but that is the culture.
  • The pay is not competitive; raises haven’t been given in years.
  • The benefits package is substandard at best.
  • Arrogance infiltrates the air being reflective in attitudes, practices and policies.

How’s that for morale!

There are too many characteristics to list them all, but you get the point.  Right?  Any of these voiced concerns could place one of your employees on the eligibility list to receive the “Disgruntled Employee of the Month” badge!  Alright, stop!   Don’t think that your employees had nothing positive to say.  Respectfully, they articulated that they have met some decent people on the jobsite.  There, you have it!

As for them, as long as their checks don’t bounce, nothing else matters! Regretfully, they are mentally elsewhere!  They just park their bodies at the workplace for eight hours and pass the time like everyone else!

If this narrative describes your crew’s pessimistic views, you need to act fast!  Intervention with human resources professionals and organizational development specialists should occur quickly.  You want positive employees to disseminate positivity and be awarded the “Employee of the Month” certificate for excellent service, rather than be the recipients of the referenced negative disgruntled badge.   As the president or senior executive, you cannot afford an environmental mess like the one defined to continue.   Either you take control of your workforce or they will control you and your wallet / pocketbook.   Act!  React! Take the necessary steps!  Get out of the sinking quicksand and place yourself on stable ground.  After all, this is your company!

Vernalee is a respected entrepreneur in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio. As President of Lee Enterprises Ltd., she helps her clients achieve success in the marketing, business development, and communications areas.  Lee is also a freelance writer for a number of publications.  Soon to be released are her books, “I’m Doing Me” and “Stuff we talk about.” Follow Vernalee at www.vernalee.com and www.stuffwetalkabout.com.  She can be reached at verna@vernalee.com.

