Columbus Compact seeks input on proposed cultural center

Columbus Compact seeks input on proposed cultural center

The Columbus Compact is interested in developing a multi-use Live/Work/Play space for local artists (creative Columbusites) whose work draws from, and further enriches, the cultures and traditions of people of African descent worldwide.

We seek to create a place on the Near East Side where Black heritage is embraced, the cultural present is expressed, and the future is created. To further this effort, we need more information about our target market of Columbus artists and artisans whose work embraces African and African diaspora cultural traditions.

If you are engaged in such artistic or creative work, please help us by completing the survey  at and pass it on to others who may be interested. As a token of our appreciation, each week we will draw two completed surveys and provide those respondents with $20 gift certificates to one of two great places to eat on the Near East Side: Creole Kitchen, and B&K Smokehouse. The target  goal is to have 300 completed surveys by March 7th.

