Publisher’s Note: Advocate! Resist! Support!

Advocate! Resist! Support!

By Ronda Watson Barber
OhioMBE Publisher

What are you doing to support Black-owned businesses?  OhioMBE has always encouraged our readers to spend their dollars with Black companies.  We are issuing our annual Holiday Spending Challenge.  During the 2017 holiday shopping season, please vow to spend at least $50 with companies owned by Black folks.  During the holidays we buy a lot of stuff.  It is estimated that we have the spending power of over a trillion dollars.  Recycling our dollars back into our community only benefits our community.

It’s a no-brainer that supporting Black businesses is vital to the continued growth and economic empowerment of our community.  Black children need to see their parents and caregivers buying from Black businesses.  They also need to witness Black businesses operating in their community and employing others.

Need some gift-giving ideas?  Relax from cooking and use a Black caterer for your next holiday party or event.  Consider giving a piece of Black art as a holiday gift.  There are Black-owned cleaning companies that will help tidy up your house or office during the hectic festive season.  Our business directory, on page 11 & 12, features many fine companies to assist you with your shopping needs.

When you make your purchase from a Black business, please post it on our Facebook page.  We want to give you and the business an electronic shout-out!

Have a great Holiday Season.  Buy Black!

Just my thoughts…rwb

Published in OhioMBE – Dec. 1 2017 – pdf
