PR With A Purpose-Promotions: Read Before you Post in Public Domain-

PR With A Purpose-Promotions: Read Before you Post in Public Domain-

By E. Michelle Lee

If   you spend time viewing, commenting, and liking stuff online; consider everywhere you go.  You leave a visible foot-print.  Now think back to all the things you have seen and done online; do they line up with you as a person and a business today?  Let’s hope so. 

If not; no sense of worrying about what you posted or viewed, once it’s out there, it is not removable. So don’t waste your cash flow on buying services that promise to remove negative post. Your main priority is to create enough good post that catches the public eye as more interesting and positive news so that bad PR is pushed further pages down by web crawlers.  

 TIP: Find out what the public is saying about you. From a different computer other than your own; run a Google search on you and your business. Use separate search strings to locate any potential negative information.   Or you can search incognito with a free download application.  Start posting positive stuff. Read an Article? Share it on your Twitter account.  Find something helpful? Spread the news and give the author of the content Public Thanks.     

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For more information con-tact E. Michelle Lee (614) 306-3794   Visit us on the web