Publisher’s Note: Minority businesses have community work to do

Minority businesses have community work to do

By Ronda Watson Barber

Minority business owners have a lot of hats to wear.  In addition  to working  to get additional business and running success companies, they are needed to be more engaged in our community.  Minority-owned business have the obligation to mentor our youth and give back to the community. We are role models.

It is evident with all the youth violence, our kids are crying out  for help and attention. As minority-business owners, we should take the responsibility to teach the youth in our community a skill or trade.  We need to teach them the basics of running a business and the importance of self-sufficiency.  We need to demonstrate to them that business ownership is possible. Some in our community are unemployable for a variety of reasons, however business ownership allows for independence and wealth creation in our community.

We need to reflect that a positive healthy lifestyle is the best route for a successful life.  The mentoring has to include discussions on stopping the violence in our neighborhoods.  We need to teach them that they are better than the actions they are demonstrating.  We need to teach them they come from proud and resilient people.  In the face of adversity and hostile environments,  we overcome.  Let’s get busy. We have work to do.

