Franklin County issues bid notice for 2025 County Resurfacing program


Bids shall be submitted electronically through the webservice until 10:00 a.m. local time on March 18, 2025, and the same will be publicly opened at the same hour at the office of the Franklin County Engineer for the labor and material necessary for the improvement of 2025 Franklin County Resurfacing Program, in Franklin County, Ohio. EBE Goal: 8%

Project Description: Upgrading 4.918 miles of various sections of Franklin County roadways including Alkire Road, Demorest Road, Galloway Road, Hall Road, Havens Corners Road, Hilliard-Cemetery Road, Leppert Road, Morse Road, Norton Road, Rathmell Road, and Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road with asphalt resurfacing and aggregate berm material.

All proposals shall be submitted electronically through the webservice  Proposals must contain the name of every person interested therein and shall be accompanied by a bid guaranty and contract bond for the full amount of bid; or in lieu of the bid guaranty and contract bond the bidder may submit a bid guaranty as provided by Section 153.54 of the Revised Code in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check. The amount of the certified check or cashier’s check shall be equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid.  The certified check or cashier’s check submitted with a bid will be held as a guarantee on an accepted bid proposal.

Bidders are required to be PRE-QUALIFIED WITH THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to submit a bid for this project.

The contract will be awarded within 60 days of the bid opening date.  At that time, a bid guaranty and contract bond in the sum of 100% of the bid plus all add alternates shall be executed in accordance with Section 307.89 of the Revised Code of Ohio.

All qualified business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and no bidder will be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in awarding the subject contract.

Certified Check or Cashier’s Check will be returned to all other bidders after the Contract has been awarded.

The bidder’s address shall be included along with his/her signature on the bid.

The work shall be completed no later than October 10, 2025.  Upon failure to complete the work within the time specified, the Contractor shall be governed in accordance with Section 5555.67 of the Revised Code of Ohio.  No proposal shall be considered unless it complies with all the rules and regulations set forth in the Contract documents.  All bidders are urged to carefully read the same and comply with them.  The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
