March 12, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Construction, Danis Danis Industrial seeks bids for City of Logan, OH Water Treatment Plant REBID
March 12, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Construction, Danis Danis Industrial seeks bids for City of St. Marys, OH Water Treatment Plant Contract 3A
March 8, 2018 By OhioMBE In Columbus, Construction, employment opportunity, MORPC MORPC is seeking residential contractors for home weatherization & HVAC work
March 8, 2018March 8, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Columbus, Columbus City Schools, Construction Columbus City Schools issues bid notice for OPERATION: FIX IT – Roof Upgrades For Westgate Alternative Elementary School
February 19, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Columbus, Columbus City Schools, Construction Columbus City Schools seeks bids for ROOF UPGRADES FOR ALPINE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, MIFFLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL & SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL
February 13, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, cleveland, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial, Inc. is preparing bids for the Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Grease Handling Improvements in Cleveland
February 5, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial is seeking bids for the Lima CSO Storage Tank REBID
January 25, 2018January 25, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Columbus, Columbus City Schools, Construction Columbus City Schools seeks bids for ROOF UPGRADES FOR DEVONSHIRE ALTERNATIVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
January 23, 2018January 23, 2018 By OhioMBE In Akron, amha, Bid Notices, Construction AMHA seeks bids for CONCRETE BALCONY RESTORATION AND RELATED WORK at COTTER HOUSE APARTMENTS
January 18, 2018 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Columbus, Columbus City Schools, Construction Columbus City Schools seeks RFQ for Renovation of HVAC Systems in “Design-Build Delivery Model” at four schools