February 22, 2021February 22, 2021 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the Nelsonville Regional WWTP
February 19, 2021February 19, 2021 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the Aurora Central WWTP
February 10, 2021February 10, 2021 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Columbus, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for Hap Cremean Water Plant Intake Structure
December 28, 2020December 28, 2020 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, cleveland, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the Southerly Building Demolition
December 21, 2020December 21, 2020 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Construction, Kokosing, Springfield Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the Springfield Eastern Pressure District Waterline Upgrades
December 8, 2020December 8, 2020 By OhioMBE In cleveland, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the Southerly Primary Settling Tanks 1-10 Flush Valves (1613) project in Cleveland
November 13, 2020November 13, 2020 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Columbus, Columbus Airports, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Construction seeks subs/suppliers for the CRAA-Taxiway Foxtrot and Hotel Rehab at John Glenn Columbus Airport
October 23, 2020October 23, 2020 By OhioMBE In cleveland, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for Westerly Settling Tank Rehabilitation – Cleveland
October 15, 2020October 15, 2020 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the WPCC & Pump Stations Phase I Improvements in Warren
September 17, 2020September 17, 2020 By OhioMBE In Bid Notices, Columbus, Construction, Kokosing Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the Dublin Road Water Plant Misc. Improvements