public record requests

What is a public records request? Any information, minutes, files, accounts, or other records which a governmental body is required to maintain, and which must be accessible to scrutiny by the public.

The Ohio Public Records Act provides:

“To facilitate broader access to public records, a public office or person responsible for public records shall organize and maintain public records in a manner that they can be made available for inspection or copying in accordance with division (B) of this section.  A public office also shall have available a copy of its current records retention schedule at a location readily available to the public.” Ohio Rev. Code § 149.43(B)(2)

Columbus City Schools

The district has had to close multiple schools on a daily basis during the 2021-2022 school year because of heating issues. During a February board meeting the director of buildings and grounds gave a report.  It can be viewed here:  DeJuan Hood is the is Director of Buildings and Grounds.  He offered this explanation during a recent board meeting.  After viewing the footage, I had so many questions.

So I did a public records request… Summary – He went from being a janitor (engineer) to running a $6.5 million dollar department.  He evaluations indicate he is still learning and researching his position. They also indicate he is building relationships.  He was rude and disrespectful to the Columbus NAACP President. Ironically, the man who doesn’t do preventative maintenance, he told me in a meeting at Black people need to do good business. He has refused to meet with Black vendors.  

What special talents did Mr. Hood bring to the position and who hired him? More soon!

1.  How long DeJuan Hood has been employed?
2.  A copy of his employment application? D Hood Personnel file with contracts_Redacted
3.  His current salary?D Hood current salary_Redacted
4.  How many people report to Hood? Per CCS: 98 FTE report to Mr. Hood. The Buildings and Grounds department is a total of 99 FTE including Mr. Hood.  Office of Buildings Grounds_ Table of Organization_Rev_11-15-2021_ml_J_drive_ADM
5.  The budget for the Buildings and Grounds Per CCS: Buildings and Grounds General Fund FY 22 Budget is $6,656,802.
6.  Hood’s job performance evaluations since his hiring DeJuan Hood – Evaluations
7.  A copy of his current employment contract. D Hood current salary_Redacted
8.  Correspondences between Maurice Oldham and HR regarding Hood
9. Meeting minutes, documentation, and reports from the Audit and Accountability Committee when Hood was required to meet and explain the fires.(abc6onyourside)
LED Lighting Upgrade Project_Audit Report_AA FINAL 1
10. Cost to repair the classrooms that caught fire in 2019 due to LED Lighting Per CCS: The cost was $233,551.04.
11.  Who were the contractors involved in the LED lights fire in 2019 Per CCS: Infinite Vision USA LLC; Energy Efficient Equipment Inc. (dba Evolved Lighting Solutions); Control Smart Lighting