CCS announces B&G Pre-Quote Meetings Schedule

ATTENDANCE AT A PRE-QUOTE MEETING IS REQUIRED for vendors that have not performed business with the Buildings & Grounds Department of Columbus City Schools according to the following schedule:

April 4, 2016:  Carpentry, Concrete, Lock Material, Roofing Service & Materials, Playground Mulch, Pest Control, Vinyl Composite Tile Installation, Insulated Glass Windows, Lumber, Carpet Installation and Asphalt Repair.

April 5, 2016:  HVAC Service & Materials, Refrigeration & Service, Kitchen Equipment Repair, Preventive Maintenance & Materials, Filters, Paint, Boiler Maintenance & Repair, Fire Extinguisher Service and Security Repair Service.

April 6, 2016: Plumbing Material Parts & Service, Pump and Motor Repair, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Drain Cleaning, Electrical Service, Generator Service & Repairs, Elevator Service & Repairs, Motor Replacement & Repair. 

All pre-quote meetings will be held in the Buildings and Grounds Conference room at 889 East 17th Avenue, Columbus Ohio 43211. They will begin promptly at 1:00P.M.
