Walsh Construction seeks bids for Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, East 140th Street Consolidation and Relief Sewer (CRS) Project

Walsh Construction encourages bids from all qualified subcontractors/suppliers including MBE, SBE and WBE firms for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, East 140th Street Consolidation and Relief Sewer (CRS) Project until 12:00 PM EST, on May 24th 2016.


Approx. 14,000 LF of 60” to 84” pipe in tunnel, 8 access shafts, a gate control vault, 6,800 LF of 12” to 54” diameter consolidated and relief sewers, an 84” diameter overflow sewer, a new regulator structure and connection to the Heights-Hilltop Interceptor, 3 each of storm water detention basins, 12,000 LF of 12” to 54” diameter storm sewers, regulator components, junction chambers, and other sewer improvements.

Work scopes include site work, concrete, masonry, misc. metalwork, finishes, painting, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and trucking.

If you have any questions regarding this project please contact Joe Grant at 313-456-6534 or jgrant@walshgroup.com

Walsh is an Equal Opportunity Employer, Minority/Female/Disabled/Veteran.
