W. Shawna Gibbs, a passionate advocate for children and families, won election to the Columbus Board of Education three times: in 2007, 2011 and 2015. And after twelve years of service, Ms. Gibbs has chosen to conclude her service at the end of her term in December 2019.
Below is a statement from Board Member Gibbs:
“It has been a privilege and honor to serve on the Columbus Board of Education since 2007. Even though I am not seeking re-election, I remain committed to serving the students, families and community until the end of my term in December. I am exceedingly grateful for the 12 years of support. We still have a lot of work to do.”
Gibbs is currently the longest serving member on the seven-member board and has served as Vice President as well as chair of the Public Engagement Committee, Board and City Standing Committee, External Monitoring Committee, and the 2016 Facilities Master Plan Committee, and created the Board’s Innovation and Reform Committee. She was also a inaugural member of the Finance and Appropriations Committee.
She is a trustee for I Know I Can and the Ohio School Boards Association and a member of the Federal Relations Network.
Columbus City Schools has made great gains during Ms. Gibbs’ tenure, which include the District’s efforts to:
- offer both breakfast and lunch to all students at no charge.
- open 47 new or renovated school buildings since 2007 while at the same time closing or consolidating nearly two dozen unneeded buildings.
- establish nearly 2,100 pre-kindergarten seats and transitioned Columbus City Schools into the city’s leader in offering high-quality early childhood education.
- strengthen and increase our services to students with Limited English Proficiency and Special Needs, serving more than any other district in the region.
- create the first stand-alone Columbus Gifted Academy.
- boost the number of Columbus’ Gates Millennium Scholarship recipients – more than any other district in Ohio.
- increase transparency and accountability with the launch of the District’s first online Digital Dashboard with insight into student attendance, enrollment, and academic achievement, the first Financial Dashboard with access to see finances, payroll, and funding sources, and the first Columbus City Schools Mobile App.