Request for Quote
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
Residential Services Intake Department
The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) serves as Central Ohio’s regional council and as a resource for local officials as they make decisions about economic growth, development, transportation, energy, and environmental sustainability. MORPC has a residential services department that focuses on providing free weatherization services to income-eligible residents in Franklin County. Interested residents can apply for services by calling MORPC. They are routed to our intake team for vetting and application processing. Recently we have had to turn to increasing our outreach efforts in order to acquire more clients.
This has required us to become more flexible and have our intake team be able to function taking incoming calls as well as making outbound calls based off interested individuals who have requested more information on our programs as part of our outreach efforts.
Intake Team
Our Intake Team currently consists of four (4) employees. We have one lead intake person with limited management experience. All employees have experience in an inbound call center, some with extensive experience in in-bound and out-bound calling environments.
Our goal is to seek assistance with improving our Intake Team in multiple areas. Below, you will see a breakdown of each specific area, and what we hope to achieve with consulting in each area.
Process evaluation and dedicated plan for improvement
An in-depth evaluation of our current intake process. An evaluation of all intake employees to determine strengths and weaknesses, and a determination of where current employees would be most productive.
Process evaluation to include but not be limited to:
Current workflow process.
Process for returning all inquires and call backs in a timely manner (I have recently made some changes in this area but am open to an improved process.)
Evaluation of current manipulation and usage of multiple systems that data entry must be done in to complete applications (Employees must enter duplicate information in multiple systems in order to complete applications.)
Improvement of current workflow process or creation of new one if necessary.
Staff assessment-Is a lead intake/Manager required?
Estimated Hours Required: Process Evaluation and Improvement Plan Cost: $______
Scripting & Pivoting for Inbound & Outbound Calls
Evaluate current scripts for Outbound calls and identify areas of improvement.
Create appropriate pivots for employees to either get off phone or convert to an application. (Please
talk with me via phone for more detail on this.)
Training and evaluation of usage of new scripts and pivot suggestions.
Estimated Hours Required: Scripting and Pivot Cost: $______
Tracking Evaluation
Evaluation of current tracking process for efficiency and ease of tracking. (Some tracking processes
have recently changed, open to further improvements or new process altogether.)
Estimated Hours Required: Tracking Evaluation cost: $______
Speed/Efficiency of current application entry
It is of my opinion that although staff has multiple systems of data entry to perform to complete an application, it still is taking an inordinate amount of time to complete applications. Looking for recommendations on how to improve the speed and efficiency of application data entry.
Estimated Hours Required: Speed/Efficiency Evaluation cost: $______