Publisher’s Note: Voting should be easy and free

Ronda Watson Barber

By Ronda Watson Barber

I commend Governor Mike Dewine and Dr. Amy Acton.  They are working hard to protect Ohioans from the coronavirus.  The decision to enact a stay at home order is saving lives.  It is important that we follow the directions of health experts. 

I am concerned about the upcoming April primary.  Many Ohioans will be disenfranchised. Some will not be able to participate in our constitutional right to cast a ballot. Our vote and democracy help to ensure our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. 

The process for mail-in only voting in the April primary is cumbersome, time restrictive and imposes a fee to vote. 

Those wishing to cast a vote must request a ballot and mail the request to their local board of elections.  A prospective Ohio voter must affix postage to the envelope requesting their “absentee ballot”. Essentially, the State of Ohio has imposed a fee or “poll tax” for those wishing to vote.  

The process for voting is time restrictive.  Voters must request their ballots by April 25.  It must be postmarked by April 27.

Voting should be easy and free.  Anything other than a no-cost simple method to exercise a constitutional right is voter suppression.  Some people don’t have access to the post office or locations to purchase stamps, as we are under a stay at home order. The mail carrier does not carry stamps. The stay at home order has created economic burdens for many Ohioans. The unemployment rate is at historical levels. It is possible that some cannot afford the cost of a postage stamp and envelope. 

Our right to vote is precious.  People have lost their lives to see that all Americans are eligible to participate in our democracy.  I believe that our votes and dollars are powerful.  We must never allow that power to be deluded or suppressed. It is very likely at the upcoming November election will be affected by the COVID-19.  Please be vocal about making certain we have free and fair elections.  Call your state representatives.  Call your congressional representative. Call your United States Senator. Join the NAACP.  Join the League of Women Voters.  Advocate for the right to vote.  The upcoming elections are too important to sit-out.  It’s about the Supreme Court.  It’s about lifetime federal judicial appointments.  It’s about healthcare.

Just my thoughts…Stay healthy and safe!


For the Litigious:  The First Amendment protects several basic freedoms in the United States including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government. It was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791.  The views expressed in OhioMBE and the media outlets of The 912 Group are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views/opinions of The 912 Group, the editor, publisher, our staff, families, and our advertisers.


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