The Columbus City School District announces a Request for Qualifications for the following projects:
Renovation of Roofing & HVAC Systems in “Design-Build Delivery Model”. The work will consist of one Design-Build contract consisting of 3700 S. High Street. The scope of work includes but is not limited to Roof Replacement & HVAC Renovation with related electrical, plumbing, and architectural work required to complete the project. Criteria services for the project will be provided by Harris Design Services, Inc.
A Virtual Informational meeting covering the projects will be held on Friday, November 20, 2020, at 1:00 PM at the following location: https://meet.google.com/wqb-jskm-gdd. To join by phone or app use the following: +1 802-866-0211 PIN: 992 088 932#
Submittals will be evaluated pursuant to ORC Chapter 153, including relevant past work of prospective firm(s), professional and other applicable consultants, quality control, response to CCS Community Inclusion Policy (Local Economically Disadvantaged Enterprise goal is 20% participation) and location of the primary firm relative to project location. More information can be found at http://www.columbus.k12.oh.us/rfp
Responding firms are to submit one (1) electronic copy (in pdf format) of their qualifications on the OFCC F110-330 Statement of Qualifications Form (most recent version can be downloaded at http://ofcc.ohio.gov/Documents/Forms) to Capital Improvements, Construction Contract Manager; Brandie Bronston Houpe at bbronston@columbus.k12.oh.us . Part 1 is limited to 30 pages. EDGE requirements do not apply to this RFQ. The deadline for submissions is Friday, December 4, 2020, by 2:00 PM.
The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Prevailing wage rates do not apply to this project. Direct questions to Bruce Harris at bharris@harrisaia.com