FCCS Interior Renovation Direct Reporting
Reference Number: 2020-03-48
The project at the Franklin County Correctional Facility 2 is for the renovation and addition of office spaces in the room just East from the North visitation lobby. The project will consist of enclosing the current space, under the dome skylight/waiting area, creating a hallway that wraps around from the North entrance of the space to the Southernmost office.
In total, three new office spaces will be created all joined by the before-mentioned hallway. A lobby area will be located in the dome portion of the current space with new, LED, light fixtures and security cameras placed through-out.
The above narrative does not supersede the project plans and specifications.
Each bid package will be a separate contract.
Pre-Bid Conference: December 1, 2020 at 2 pm. Interested parties are to dial +1 773-917-3504 and enter participant Phone Conference ID: 949 455 566#
Opening Date/Time: December 17, 2020 at 2 pm.
Franklin County Purchasing Department
Franklin County Office Tower
373 South High Street, 25th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6315
All Questions should be directed to: All questions must be received in writing on or before December 4, 2020 at 2:00 P.M.
Direct questions to: PFMConstructionquestions@franklincountyohio.gov Public Facilities Management, Franklin County Courthouse, 2nd Floor, 373 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-4592. Fax 614-525-3180. Franklin County will respond to all questions by December 10, 2020
Board of County Commissioners Franklin County, Ohio:
John O’Grady President
Marilyn Brown, Commissioner
Kevin L. Boyce, Commissioner