“Attention City of Toledo Certified MBE/WBE“
Kokosing Mosser is preparing bids as a joint venture for the High Service Pump Station Improvements project in Toledo, Ohio which bids December 22, 2020. We are seeking quotes for any portion of the project listed that you are qualified to perform or provide supplies for which includes the following: CIP Concrete, Rebar, Masonry Restoration, Metals, Caulking, EPDM Roofing, Aluminum Storefronts, Hollow Metal Doors, Flooring, Glazing, High Performance Coatings, Signage, Toilet Compartments, Metal Lockers, Fire Extinguishers, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Fire Alarm, Instrumentation and Controls. Bidding documents can be examined online by emailing Sonja Nichols at snichols@kokosing.biz for the link. Please have your quote Chad Lampe by 5:00 PM December 21, 2020: e-mail snichols@kokosing.biz or Fax 614-212-5711.