OhioMBE: Grow Your Business with Live Events by Linda Pringle-Evans

Linda’s Corner:

By Linda Pringle-Evans

Grow Your Business with Live Events

To build a successful business you have to be willing to leverage every asset and pursue every opportunity – whether your dream is to create a large – scale enterprise or a successful solo venture. That’s why it is important to consider live events, workshops, or seminars as part of your marketing strategy for growth within your business. There is no doubt that live events will increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability. 

Visibility creates a brand. If something is visible – all over the Internet, the top television show, on bill boards, wherever – consumers tend to think it must be better than a competitor that lacks visibility. The same applies to you and me – the more visible you are to your target audience educating them either free or paid, you will become recognized as an authority. Which is a great segment into credibility? 

Credibility – if you are consistently educating your target audience based on your expertise and life experiences you will gain a reputable reputation as an authority, creating raving fans. What happens when you have raving fans?


Profitability – you are not having to market as hard to acquire clients. As a matter of fact, they are now seeking you and your services. 

Live events (online or offline) will educate your target audience on a specific problem (they are currently experiencing) that you provide the Solution. You are sharing your expertise and story on how to solve the problem or how to eliminate the pain. Your goal is to position yourself as the expert – the go to person for this problem or pain. 

Now, that you have your target audience in a group setting it is the perfect time to offer your services, programs or products. This is a great way to leverage the marketing of your business to your ideal paying client.

Contact Linda: linda@lindapringleevans.com or 614.890.6497

