Publisher’s Note: Are CCS closures due to administration incompetence

You really should be watching the Columbus City School Board Meetings. The district has had to close multiple schools on a daily basis because to heating issues. During last week’s board meeting the director of buildings and grounds gave a report.ย  It can be viewed here:

Yes, you heard it correctly, Columbus City Schools currently isn’t doing any preventative maintenance on the heating systems. Yes, without preventative maintenance, the expectation would be that the heating systems would fail during the cold winter months.

I have so many questions.

  1. How does the largest public school district in the state NOT conducting preventative maintenance on the heating systems for the school buildings. Do we ever hear instances where administrative buildings are without heat?
  2. Why isn’t there a preventative maintenance checklist for each school?
  3. Who does the b&g director report to? Are they satisfied with the lack of heat in the school buildings? Are they satisfied with his board performance and responses to questions?
  4. What experience did the b&g director have prior to this position?
  5. Who hired the b&g director and what outstanding talents does he bring to the position? (Word on the street is the demoted COO hired him although HR recommended he didn’t. He was hired because his son is/was friends with another staff member’s son who is no longer in the district.)
  6. What accountability is in place for his poor job performance?

Columbus City Schools has again failed our children and the taxpayers. Where is the accountability? Why is incompetence being rewarded? In my opinion, the b&g director needs to be reassigned. He has failed to provide a safe warm environment essential for our children to learn. It is totally unacceptable that on a regular basis children are left without classroom instruction because someone appears to not have competency and grasp on their job.

Just my thoughts…rwb


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