“Attention City of Canton or ODOT Certified DBE/MBE/WBE“
Kokosing is preparing bids for the Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant & Wellfield Improvements in Canton, Ohio which bids June 9, 2022. We are seeking quotes for any portion of the project listed that you are qualified to perform or provide supplies for which includes the following: Construction Photographs, Preconstruction Audiovisual Recording, Temporary Construction Services & Facilities, Project Sign, Cleaning, Demolition, Asbestos and Lead Paint Collection & Disposal, Concrete Repair, Precast Prestressed Hollowcore Concrete Slabs, Masonry, Rough Carpentry, Thermal and Moisture Protection, Doors and Windows, Glazing, Flooring, Acoustical Panel Ceilings, Painting, LULA Elevator, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls, Clearing & Grubbing, Dewatering, Excavation, Steel Sheet Piling, Drilled Shafts, Pavement and Walks, Fencing, Seeding, Sewer Cleaning & CCTV, and Trucking .
The Mayor has determined that a Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”) will advance the City’s procurement interest in cost, efficiency, and quality while promoting labor-management stability as well as compliance with applicable legal requirements governing safety and health, equal employment opportunity, labor and employment standards, and other related matters. Any such PLA shall be negotiated by the Mayor of the Owner with the East Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council and its affiliated local unions, or said Council’s successor. The successful Bidder shall comply with and adhere to all of the provisions of any PLA for the Project. The successful Bidder and all subcontractors on the project will comply with The Project Labor Agreement (PLA) Letter of Assent (see Appendix A of the specifications for details).