Sending virtual congrats to the 2022 OhioMBE Awards Publisher Award honorees The City of Columbus Office of Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity Youth Entrepreneur Program students. Jada Tate, Amir Carter, Clyde Spencer, Nehemiah Hamilton, Emmaunuela Francique, Marsika Toney. The central Ohio students spent six weeks interning with local businesses. One day a week they participated in business classes taught by Junior Achievement, Central State Extension, and The 912 Group. They concluded the program by presenting the businesses they started at a Young, Gifted, and Bright business expo.
The OhioMBE Awards networking luncheon will be held on Oct 27 in the Club Bar at Huntington Park. OSU football great Cornelius Green will be the keynote speaker. We will celebrate his 50 years of Ohio State Football. Tickets available at https://buytickets.at/the912group