Legal Notice: IFB 2023-004 IFB Water Damage Restoration 1100 E Broad Street
(Jenkins Terrace)
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority is seeking Invitation for Bid (IFB)
for the procurement of Water Damage Restoration @ Jenkins Terrace. The
response deadline/Bid Opening Wednesday April 26 th , 2023, at 2:00PM. A pre-
bid conference/walk through is scheduled for 11:00 AM Wednesday April 12 th ,
2023, at 1100 E Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205. Public Bid Opening will be
held on Zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID may be obtained by visiting our website, or by contacting the Purchasing Department of the Columbus
Metropolitan Housing Authority at 880 E. 11th Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43211 or by
calling 614-421-4434, 8:00 AMβ4:00 PM, Monday β Friday.