PR With A Purpose-Promotions: Get in on the rush before the Holiday Freeze #ohiombe

PR With A Purpose-Promotions: Get in on the rush before the Holiday Freeze

By E. Michelle Lee

Throughout the year various industries experience up and down cycles in sales. Typically after coming back from an easy- breezy- summer- cycle; business owners know that sales will be good only between September and through the end of October.  Because, soon as the holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve rolls around; people’s minds are far away from work. Unless you are a seasonal product retailer; business is dead.

That’s why, like the ants that store up their food working during the off months for the winter months to come; we need to prepare for lean months of business.

TIP: Research your industry’s sales cycle, trending behavior.  Gain an understanding of why service-based companies suffer most during the holiday months along with hiring numbers. People are thinking holiday and so should you. Start looking for ways that will sustain your business momentum during lean times; especially holidays.  Be creative while making your services available and creating new ones that match the need of the cycle.

Ex: Many rejections come with this key phrase, “let’s wait till after the holidays”.  You knew that was coming, right?   Try setting up your appointments for the dry cycle (Oct. 31 – Jan- 2) now. That way, decision makers are still thinking business and not about upcoming holidays.