Publisher’s Note: Happy New Year, OhioMBE Family!

As we step into 2024, it’s not just a new year we’re entering, but a new era of proactive advocacy and empowerment. This year, we’re not just going to react to challenges; we’re going to anticipate them, prepare for them, and overcome them with unwavering determination and unity.

Our strength lies not only in our individual businesses but also in the support systems we build around us. It’s crucial that we don’t wait until we’re in need to seek help or stand up for what’s right. Be proactive. Engage with organizations that have long been fighting for our rights and economic empowerment.

Join the local branch of the NAACP to be a part of a larger voice advocating for justice and equality. Their work is vital, and your membership only adds to the strength of our collective voice.

Donate to the Ohio Business Development Center. Your contributions fuel the resources and services that many of us rely on for business growth and sustainability. It’s not just a donation; it’s an investment in our community’s future.

Become an active advocate with the Black Caucus of Central Ohio. They’re at the forefront, championing our rights and ensuring our voices are heard in the corridors of power. Your involvement can make a real difference.

We must stand united in 2024 because entities like the City of Columbus and Columbus City Schools will continue to impose policies and barriers if we don’t make our strength and presence felt. Remember, there’s immense power in unity and proactive action. Let’s not just be a part of the conversation; let’s lead it.

Here’s to a proactive, empowered, and successful 2024. Together, we’re not just building businesses; we’re building a legacy.

#HappyNewYear #ProactivePower #UnityInAction #OhioMBE #2024Unstoppable

With determination and hope,

Ronda Watson Barber
Your Advocate and Ally


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