Crowdfund Newbie: RocketHub: How to Crowdfund

RocketHub: How to Crowdfund
By Ambrose Moses, III
OhioMBE – April 15, 2014 is a popular crowdfunding website.  RocketHub’s Success School is helpful to those who want to learn more about the “how to” aspect of crowdfunding:

  1. Post the project (no upfront cost to launch):
  • Describe the project in words and visuals (art, science, business, and social good projects – all welcome)
  • Set the funding goal and fundraising timeframe
  • Explain what you will give or do (goods or services) in exchange for funds
  • Use RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Success School to support you along the way.
  1. Tell everyone you know and keep up the communication going to create buzz and momentum.
  2. Raise your funds
  • Raise money from anywhere around the world
  • Keep the funds you raise (not an ‘all or nothing’ model)
  • Reach your goal: 4% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee
  • Don’t reach your goal: 8% commission fee + 4% credit card handling fee
  • Get paid out fast.
  1. Do your project and communicate with your funders on how it is going.
  2. Get those goods ⁄ services back to your funders as promised

For more information on Crowdfunding, contact The Ohio Business Development Center at  Attend the next Crowdfund Coffee to network and learn how to crowdfund for your next project.  RVSP at