How Millionaires Differ From The Middle Class

How Millionaires Differ From The Middle Class
by James W. Oliver, Jr.
OhioMBE – June 1, 2014

Do you believe that if Bill Gates lost everything he had today that he could regain his wealth?   Do you believe that in about 5 years or less Bill Gates would be a millionaire again?  In all likelihood, Mr. Gates would reclaim his wealth.  Thus, what does it take to become wealthy, prosperous and world class?

Here describes some simple and researched distinctions between the Millionaires and the Middle Class.

  • “Millionaires do not lease cars.
    The Middle Class think they should lease cars.
  • Millionaires have big libraries.
    The Middle Class have big televisions.
  • Millionaires think long term.
    The Middle Class think short-term.
  • Millionaires talk about ideas.
    The Middle Class talk about things and people.
  • Millionaires embrace change.
    The Middle Class are threatened by change.
  • Millionaires take calculated risks.
    The Middle Class is afraid of taking risks.
  • Millionaires continually learn and grow.
    The Middle Class thinks learning ended at school.
  • Millionaires work for profit.
    The Middle Class work for wages.
  • Millionaires believe they must be generous.
    The Middle Class believe they can’t afford to give.
  • Millionaires have multiple streams of income.
    The Middle Class has one or two.
  • Millionaires focus on increasing their net worth.  The Middle Class focus on increasing their paychecks.
  • Millionaires ask themselves empowering questions.
    The Middle Class believe their disempowering thoughts.

75 to 80% of the battle is mental/thinking and attitude. The middle class is punching a mental time clock and counting the days until retirement.  Their thinking, attitude, behavior and actions are not congruent with their visions. Perseverance is necessary.  Sylvester Stallone went to over 30 film producers to get the movie “Rocky” produced before being successful.  The middle class has a J.O.B…Just over Broke mentality. They make just enough to keep their heads above the water. Their money controls them.

On the other hand, millionaires have this “burning desire to win” attitude.  They have the right attitude toward rejections, set backs, and bumps/road blocks along the way. Millionaires are famous for concentrating their energy and efforts on what they want.  It proves that the true power of the individual lies in the deep recesses of their psyche.

So do you want to be a middle class thinker or have a millionaire mindset?  The choice is up to you!

James W. Oliver, Jr., an enrolled agent, is owner of J. C. and Tax & Financial Services.  He can be contacted at Website:

