Questions to ask those seeking public office

Small Business Questions to ask Political Candidates
OhioMBE – August 15, 2014

As small and minority business owners consider asking the following questions to those seeking public office and your vote.

  1. What have you done for minority businesses during your career?
  2. What do you promise to do for minority businesses if elected?
  3. What minority business do you regularly purchase products or services from?
  4. Why should minority business owners vote for you?
  5. How important is minority business development to the overall Ohio economy?
  6. Are minority business set-asides and goals in city/county/state government still important and why?
  7. Why isn’t the city/county/state meeting its MBE and EDGE purchasing goals?
  8. What can the city/county/state do to improve its purchasing with minority businesses?
  9. What measures are being taken to insure that state law is followed and procurement goals are met?
  10. What should minority owned businesses do to get city/county/state contracts?
  11. Is there anything else, aside from contracting that the city/county/state can do to assist MBE’s?
  12. Who are the major contributors to your campaign?

