EOD surveying MBE scope of work
The Department of Administrative Services, Equal Opportunity Division (EOD) is always looking for new ways to assist Minority Businesses Enterprise (MBE) and Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity (EDGE) businesses. Their goal is to help businesses grow and participation in the Ohio economy. Recently, EOD developed a survey, which will take a closer look at the scope of your business listed on the division website. This information drives how state agencies locate certified businesses when they are in need of services. By updating your information, EOD hopes that it will help improve the opportunities you have for receiving business.
EOD requests that you complete the following survey (link below). This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please update your UNSPSC and CSI codes (see Attachment A) which clarifies your scope of work for your business.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Bryan Hairston II at 614-644-5222 or by email at bryan.hairston@das.ohio.gov.