SBA accepting nominations for successful small businesses and business supporters
Do you know a successful small business or an outstanding business supporter? Make a nomination for the 2015 SBA Small Business Awards and honor the hard work and dedication of the small business community and entrepreneurs in Ohio. Award winners and their nominators benefit from public recognition at the award ceremony in the late spring 2015 and all national -level winners are also recognized at a national level. Forward contact information on your nominee as well as your own to
Nominations are being accepted for the following:
Small Business Person of the Year
Small Business Exporter of the Year
SBA young Entrepreneur of the Year
Jeffrey Butland Family-Owned Business of the Year
Entrepreneurial Success Award
Financial Services Champion of the Year
Home-Based Business Champion of the Year
Minority Small Business Champion of the Year
Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year
Women in Business Champion of the Year
Small Business Development Center Service Excellence
Women’s Business Center Excellence in Service Award
Reply by November 7, 2014.