Vote for who is really going to look out for you!

Vote for who is really going to look out for you!
By Ronda Watson Barber

Be sure to vote!

Voting is important.  Please do your research and make certain you are voting for those who will actively work to improve your community and neighborhood.  Don’t buy into the hype of the big money commercials and false promises.  Actions speak louder than words.  Ask what are you going to do for Black businesses and Black folks.  Did you know that Columbus has the second largest income disparity in the nation ?

OhioMBE has presented guest columns from mayoral candidates James Ragland, Dr. Terry Boyd and Sheriff Zack Scott.  Andy Ginther was not offered space because his record on supporting Black owned business and the Black community is evident based on his policies and votes as City Council President and tenure on the Columbus School Board.
I have watched the debates.

James Ragland impresses me.  He seems to be in touch with the real issues in the community.  Education, combatting poverty and creating jobs are in the Central City are his concerns.  He wants to improve the neighborhoods were people of color reside not just the downtown area.  He has created a strong grass-roots network.

I find it very telling that the Republicans don’t appear to  be supporting Dr. Terry Boyd.  But I guess they don’t need to when the current administration and  Andy Ginther fulfill their big business mission.

One final thought:  Why does Andy  Ginther keep saying he was/is the only School Board Member that worked with the Auditor of State on the Data Scandal?  In reality, he was the only School Board Member being “investigated” in relation to the Data Scrubbing Scandal.

The investigation only spanned one year, how long were they really cooking the books, changing grades and failing our children?

Vote for who is really going to look out for you!

Just my thoughts…rwb

