Olentangy Local Schools makes OhioMBE Wall of Shame

Guess who just made the ‪#‎OhioMBE‬ Wall of Shame. The ‪#‎Olentangy‬ Local School District ‪#‎OLSB‬. Jeff Gordon, the business manager told me he was too busy to attend or send a representative. FYI..‪#‎OLSD‬ receives funding from a diverse tax base. They have a moral obligation to make sure they have a inclusive purchasing pool.

Since Mr. Gordon is too busy, perhaps MBEs and other small business should contact him directly to schedule an appointment to introduce their product/service. He can be reached at 740-657-4050.

Interesting OLSD can use our tax dollars to build new schools but they aren’t incorporating minority businesses into their business scheme. Shame on you Jeff. You are on the #OhioMBE Wall of Shame!

Update:  The Superintendent Mark Raiff just called.  We had an interesting conversation on why minority and small business is good. business.  I told him that he receives funding from a diverse tax base.  He disagreed.  Although his district receives 10 percent of its funding from those not living in the district. Something just doesn’t smell right in Powell.
