Why You Should Hire At Least One Reentering Ex-Offender

Michael Daniels
Michael Daniels

By Michael Daniels, Policy Director to Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown

When you’re looking for a new employee, a criminal record is usually not high on your list of qualifications and experience. But don’t be quick to dismiss reentering ex-offenders. Men and women who have been to prison or jail and are now reentering their communities have paid for their crime – think of them as a recycled workforce that is readily-available, eager, and valuable.

They’re hungry for work and they’re fiercely loyal. Most employers refuse to take a chance on ex-offenders. Because these men and women know their options are limited, they’re willing to work hard to prove themselves, starting in entry level positions, and stay loyal to those who gave them an opportunity.

They’re skilled. Many reentering residents have participated in training programs while incarcerated that could give them special qualifications for a job at your company.

They’re supervised. Reentering workers may have a parole or probation officer who checks in on them. They have to maintain a job as a condition of their release, so they’re less likely to skip work or show up late.

Helping them will help your community. Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown, a member of the Franklin County Reentry Coalition, puts it best when she says, “Working to fully reintegrate returning inmates to our community is the perfect example of Tikkun Olam – Repairing the World. Together, we are strengthening our workforce, enhancing our productivity, and increasing our base of taxpayers. We are empowering people to take responsibility for themselves and their obligations, removing them and their children from public assistance. We are making our neighborhoods safer by systematically redirecting people from illegal activity to legal productive work. And, we are healing our community and our residents by restoring dignity and self-worth to individuals and rebuilding families.”

You could be eligible for tax breaks. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Tax Credit Program are income tax credits that encourage employers to hire ex-offenders and other targeted groups of job seekers. To obtain additional information, contact: Ohio Department of Job & Family Services, Bureau of Support Services, WOTC/WtW Section, 614.644.0966, or visitwww.jfs.ohio.gov/wotc/.

Everyone deserves a second chance. How many of us would like to be judged for the rest of our lives for mistakes made in our past? Research illustrates that most ex-offenders are fully capable of redeeming themselves for foolish acts in their past, and are deserving of employment opportunities.

For more information: visit  www.franklincountyohio.gov/reentry, call 614.525.3461 , or email Michael.Daniels@FranklinCountyOhio.gov

