Don’t be on the sidelines

Don’t be on the sidelines
By Ronda Watson Barber
OhioMBE Publisher

The election season is here. Have you been watching the debates or attended a candidates night? Are you asking questions that impact your life? Voting is a way to improve and empower our community. It is our responsibility to be informed voters.

We have three ways to vote in Ohio. Early voting for the March primary runs from February 17 to March 14.  You can vote early in person at your local board of election office or request a mail-in ballot.  You can also cast your ballot on election day, March 15.

As we celebrate Black History Month, participating in the election process is a way to honor the legacy of those who fought and died for the right to vote. Voting must be important and powerful because there have been many obstacles to prevent all American citizens from voting. Why not make an early vote day in February a Black Event?

Voting is also a way to hold those in elected office accountable.  If they are not acting in your best interest they don’t deserve your vote.  If those in office haven’t helped empower our community, they don’t deserve your vote either. Ask those seeking office what their plan is for minority-owned businesses.  Ask them will they advocate for minority businesses in purchasing opportunities, particularly in government spending.  When entities take monies from a diverse tax base, there is a moral obligation to have inclusive purchasing.  Ask them what resources or programs they will bring to our community.

Our votes to matter.

Buy Black

Don’t forget to take the challenge and spend at least $20 a week with a Black-owned business, that employs Black people.  What a difference you support could make.  Economic empowerment is a key to success in the Black community.

Just my thoughts – RWB

