MORPC seeks branding consultant



Commuter ridematching services in Ohio are currently split between two separate websites   brands: OhioRideshare and RideshareOhio. The primary focus of the websites are to help reduce single occupant vehicle (SOV) travel via free ridematching services to the public while simultaneously promoting ridesharing and other Transportation Demand Management strategies. The systems also provide information to travelers who might be interested in walking, biking, or taking transit.

Each website is operated by two distinct partnerships of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). The following seven MPOs operate the two websites separately:


Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS)

Eastgate Regional Council of Governments [Youngstown]

Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) [Cleveland]


Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) [Dayton]

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) [Columbus]

Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) [Cincinnati]

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG)

The abovementioned MPOs are members of the Ohio Association of Regional Councils (OARC), which is sponsoring this RFP. OARC has recently selected a new web-based Transportation Demand Management (TDM) platform that will consolidate and upgrade the abovementioned websites. As part of the consolidation and upgrade, OARC intends the new platform to be a distinct shift toward a more comprehensive suite of TDM strategies (beyond ridesharing) that ultimately help users make informed decision about transportation choice.

As part of the consolidation and system upgrade, OARC partners view this as an opportune time to explore new branding opportunities for our program.

As the sponsor of this RFP, OARC is seeking to hire a Professional firm who can develop and design a uniform brand for OARC TDM/ridematching services administered by the abovementioned MPOs. The ideal firm will work with representatives of the agencies identified above to understand the goals and market of the program. After gaining an adequate understanding of the program, the firm shall develop three (3) concept brands for the group to discuss. Each brand should consist of various logos/icons and slogans/taglines. The elements should combine to make a brand that’s intriguing and easily recognizable across multiple Ohio regions.

With guidance from the firm, the participating representatives from each MPO will discuss and analyze the brand concepts, and ultimately select one brand to adopt for OARC. After a brand is selected, the firm shall provide a style guide to help maintain consistent use across regional boundaries

Firms interested in being considered must submit TWO (2) printed copies and one (1) in the form of a compact disc or jump drive in a PDF format. Proposals will be received by OARC until 12:00PM (ET), MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017. 

Submit proposals to:

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
111 Liberty Street, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43215

Proposals must arrive in the MORPC offices prior to the proposal due date and time. Firms making proposals should take this into account when choosing a mail carrier. Facsimile submissions will not be accepted.

All questions must be submitted in writing and should be submitted via mail or email to DAN SHEEHAN at No answers will be given over the phone. Written answers, including any amendments to the RFP if necessary will be posted on MORPC’s website. Responses to questions will be posted at

The current focus of the separate websites is not so much on Transportation Demand Management strategies as it is on ridesharing. This RFP should be clear that there is a distinct shift toward our new platform offering a more comprehensive suite of TDM strategies (beyond ridesharing) as part of the consolidation and upgrade.

View entire RFP here – RFPforBrandingConsultant-FINAL.docx

