Kokosing seeks bids for CRAA-Taxiway Rehabilitation & MOS Improvements Phase 1B Project #17020 Rickenbacker International Airport.

“Attention DBE Companies”

Kokosing Construction Co., Inc. is preparing a bid for the CRAA-Taxiway Rehabilitation and Modification of Standards (MOS) Improvements Phase 1B Project #17020 Rickenbacker International Airport. We are seeking quotes for any portion of the project listed that you are qualified to perform or provide supplies, which includes the following:

Pavement and electrical lighting demolition, grading, asphalt paving, concrete construction and patching, concrete joint replacement, storm water improvements, electrical/airfield lighting and signage, pavement markings, and seeding and mulching.

Copies of the bidding documents can be obtained from Key Blueprints, 614-228-3285, www.plankey.com  or viewed at F.W. Dodge, The Columbus Regional Airport Authority, Columbus Minority Contractors Assoc., or at Kokosing at 886 McKinley Avenue, Columbus, OH  43222 or 6235 Westerville Rd., Westerville, OH  43081.  Please submit quotes to David Christenson via fax 614-228-7065 or e-mail at dwc@kokosing.biz by 4:00 p.m., July 26, 2017.  Mr. Christenson may be contacted at 614-228-1029.

“Kokosing Construction Company is an equal opportunity employer.”

