September is National Preparedness Month
It’s not too late to take action to protect your small business, your clients and your employees from the threat posed by a disaster. The survival of your company is a key factor in the economic revival of your community in the aftermath of a disaster.
Here are a few things you can do to ensure safety in the midst of a storm, and shorter recovery in the long term.
Put together a disaster supply kit including a flashlight with extra batteries, non-perishable foods, one gallon of water per person, per day, a first-aid kit, medications, and extra cash. A complete list is available Consider the needs of your family, and those you are evacuating or sheltering with, when determining what else to include.
- Gather all that important paper—deeds/leases, title documents, insurance policies, financial records, inventory documents, personal documentation such as birth certificates and passports —and put them in a three-ring binder with pockets. Put that in a waterproof bag, and take it with you if you evacuate. You’re going to need these documents during the recovery phase.
- Backup your computer datain the cloud or on a flash drive.
- Make sure you have a plan in place to communicate with your employees and clients, to make sure that everyone is safe, and to let everyone know when you’ll be open again for business.
- Follow guidance on evacuation. If you are ordered to evacuate, know the routes to take, and have a plan on where to stay.
- Be safe. Download the FEMA mobile app ( to set up alerts for the latest weather updates, shelter information, disaster resources and preparedness tips in English and Spanish.Once a disaster declaration is made, the U.S. Small Business Administration activates long-term recovery assistance to businesses of all sizes, homeowners and renters in the form of low-interest disaster loans.
For more information on SBA’s disaster assistance program, visit
Printed in OhioMBE – Sept. 1, 2017