Tyson, Brown & Hardin Ignore and Dishonor Columbus’s Underprivileged – By Joe Motil
COLUMBUS, OHIO – Joe Motil, 32 year community activist and Write-In candidate for Columbus City Council found it appalling that incumbent Columbus City Council members Priscilla Tyson, Mitchell Brown and Shannon Hardin avoided constituents at two separate candidate forums this past week. On Tuesday evening the local chapter of the NAACP held its event at the Trinity Baptist Church on St. Clair Avenue and on Thursday, residents of the economically distressed Hilltop neighborhood gathered at Burroughs Elementary School on the west side.
Motil states, “For three African American elected officials to ignore the voices and concerns of our country’s most respected long time civil rights organization is a display of shameful disrespect to this constituency. Their disappearance from this forum is a clear indication of the dishonor they have inflicted upon this community”.
Motil further claims that “The incumbents’ dodging of the Hilltop event is yet another clear indication of typical election year empty promises that are spewed by team Tyson, Brown & Hardin from TV ads and campaign literature. If they are re-elected, commitments to revitalize the Hilltop and other distressed neighborhoods will again fall to the wayside as city infrastructure tax dollars continue to be poured into the Downtown, Short North, Polaris and Easton areas, while rewarding developers and corporate Columbus for their generous campaign contributions.
Motil concludes, “Team-Tyson, Brown & Hardin’s absence from these candidate forums clearly demonstrates a disinterest in the health & welfare of the individuals and families of the NAACP and Hilltop neighborhood. This team of no shows has exposed themselves to Columbus citizens as to where their priories lie. And one only need look as far as their campaign finance reports”.