Guest Column: Columbus NAACP “New Year – New You”

New Year – New You

It’s a New Year but is it a New You?  It is said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

This is the time of year when most people make resolutions and commitments to change.

What will you do differently this year to improve your present and future condition?  How are you being represented and who is representing you?  Is your voice being heard?  Are your needs being addressed?

As you take time out of your busy schedule in the New Year to think about your charitable contributions, club memberships and various associations and memberships, have you thought about sowing into the on-going and tireless work of “the Oldest and the Boldest?”

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) established in 1908 as a membership based, volunteer run organization.  As an association we continue to tackle issues that still plague our community and to our plight as a people as we strive for advancement.

The NAACP still speaks truth to power from the boardroom to the courtroom to the classroom whenever and wherever inequality and discrimination exist.  This organization is boldly on the front line standing in the gap representing our members and our people.

As we look across the rapidly changing political landscape of our country in 2018, and we see the current climate facing people of color on a national level, please know that the NAACP is here ready to take on the challenges we face.

Can we count on you?  There is strength in numbers.  Will you join Local Chapter #3177 and make your membership count and make your voice heard?

This is a New Year, but is it a New You?

For more information on the Columbus NAACP, visit

The Columbus Branch NAACP – Unit 3177
The Oldest, The Boldest, The Largest, and the Oldest Civil Rights organization in America

Published in OhioMBE – Dec. 15, 2017 – pdf
