Columbus NAACP Membership Drive
Dear Friend,
The Columbus Chapter of the NAACP has overcome some difficult challenges in past years, but we did not see our glass as “half-empty.” Instead, we decreed and declared our glass to be full and running over.
We are delighted to report that today our chapter is fiscally sound. We have engaged the City of Columbus, Columbus City Schools, Franklin County Commissioners and the private sector in thoughtful conversations about minority purchasing and hiring and we are encouraged by their responses. In addition, we have continued to hold community forums on local issues. These forums have allowed residents to develop solutions to challenges that affect our families and our neighborhoods.
Now, we are launching our 2018 membership drive and we are asking each of you to join us in continuing the fight for freedom, justice and equality in our city and in our country. The NAACP believes that “MEMBERSHIP IS POWER!”
You can find the membership application at http://bit.ly/2GEwN8u. You can fill it and mail or go to our website www.naacpcolumbus.org/ and become a member. Please support our movement to make this nation ONE. We want to remind you that The NAACP is “the Largest, the Oldest, the Bad-est, and the Boldest” Civil Rights organization in America.
For more information, please call us at (614)382-6900 or email us at greatercolumbusnaacp@gmail.com
In Unity,
Nana M. Watson, President
Columbus Branch NAACP – Unit 3177
Published in OhioMBE – Feb. 1, 2018 – .pdf